"Oh, tell me that I am not the only one going through it all? Oh, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one going through it all!"... A line from one of my favourite Alicia Keys' songs "That's the thing about Love". This love thing though! It's just such a source of confusion at this stage in my life. Perhaps let me clarify what I mean, I am confused about this elusive 'romantic love' thing, I have plenty of love in my life from my family and friends right down to my job and my interests outside of my 9 to 5 and of course the greatest love of all, God. Its just this romantic love thing, I simply don't get it.
I have a few friends who are in the throws of this interesting stage of life where they are past the age of 25, single, career-focused and happy but if Prince Charming showed up on his white horse tomorrow, honestly, at this stage just any plain old white vehicle... in fact just a vehicle, they would give away all of that single girl freedom just to experience a real and true love.
I don't want to go into too much detail about myself but I'm torn between three scenarios. An awesome man who truly loves me, a charming unconventional man who comes with some very unconventional circumstances whom I can see myself being madly in love with and Myself, holding on to the person I have spent so long developing and nurturing whom I quite simply don't want to let go of!
None of these scenarios ever played out in my head when I imagined my fairytale love story and what my life would be like at 28 years old. I find myself going through the most random Google searches with even stranger results... "How do you know if he is the one?", "How to date an older man?"... I mean??? What I think I want versus What I actually need!
This post isn't about getting answers or giving advice, it's just a tiny SOS from my heart to the ears of heaven.
If all else fails I can carry on pouring my love out the best way I know how... shoes!
Posted via Blogaway
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