So this weekend I finally got around to undoing my hair, I know I had it in FOREVER! I am not sure if I have mentioned this before or whether I have made it clear, but besides the fact that I really love the natural hair look the other reason I am going to be chopping off my locks is because my hair is really damaged, as in REALLY damaged.
It's really weak and brittle and just lifeless at the moment, I took scissors to it and cut off all the uneven bits however I just don't think it is possible to salvage it at this point so I am on my transition mission. There are some major issues with my hairline and my edges.
My hair before I washed it, look how damaged my edges are! |
Not to toot my own horn, but I think curly kinky hair looks cute on me and look how happy I look in spite of all the damage |
I do not like my hair looking like this, note how sad I look |
I was talking to my friend Tiyani who was also complaining about damage to her own hair and how she was going to to start using Castor oil to treat her hair. I have heard so many people talking about the benefits of using Castor oil to treat damaged hair but I didn't think much of it. Tiyani and I have both been on this hair mission and we've been going back and forth about BC, transitioning, curl activators a whole lot of stuff, so when she told me about the 30 Day Challenge that Aphro posted on her blog I knew I had to do some proper research and stop thinking about it but rather just do it!
I hopped off to my local pharmacy and got myself the biggest bottle of Castor oil I could find and I followed Aphro's instructions. I am currently on two challenges, firstly the 30 Day Challenge and the Hairline Challenge. The Hairline Challenge is basically where you apply small amounts of Castor oil to your hairline every day with a tail comb and massage it into the hair. The 30 Day Challenge is where you apply small amounts of Castor oil all over your scalp and massage it into your scalp 3 days a week in conjunction with a good moisturiser and sealer. My Castor oil nights will be Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
I am really excited to try this out and I am giving it a good 3 months before I expect to see some solid results.
Let's see how it goes!